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We Integrate
Offshore Wind Supply Chain

Offshore Wind Expert Offshore Wind Supply Chain Intergration

Global Tide specializes in project management, field operation and supply chain management within offshore wind sector.
Our expertise spans across the global offshore wind farm industry with a primary goal of ensuring the comprehensive success of the projects.

  • 4+ Regions
  • 36+ Projects

Proud Partner of

  • AXYS
  • sulmara
  • spinlock
  • Seahorse

Services Delivering the Success

Global Tide serves as a link between international clients and local maritime construction companies by interpreting domestic laws and regulations for overseas clients, implementing global standards for domestic companies, and overseeing operations while deploying supervisors.

Projects Empowering Offshore Wind Projects

In Korea, the domestic offshore wind industry is at an early stage with most commercial projects in planning or development. The primary focus is on wind surveys, involving a year-long collection of continuous wind data.